Binge Eating Disorder

Binge Eating Disorder (BED) is more common than most people realize. In a culture obsessed with appearance, internalizing feelings of shame about your body size and shape are all too common. The stereotypes and weight stigma associated with BED have a severe impact on both physical and mental health. To make matters worse, the billion dollar weight loss industry works to further idealize the need to look a certain way and fosters patterns of disordered eating. The need for evidence-based treatments is key to effective, lasting BED recovery. Not only this but finding an innovative treatment program that understands weight is not a defining characteristic of BED matters!

“It takes COURAGE to engage, STRENGTH to speak the truth, and HOPE to push through. Life is a lot better when people come together to battle the eating disorder rather than each other.” – Emily Estes, RD

EDCare BED Specialty Track

EDCare has been treating the full continuum of eating disorders for over 15 years. This includes those struggling with Binge Eating Disorder. We treat all of our patients in the same community to ensure subgroups of the eating disorder population are not stigmatized. Just as we offer a specific curriculum for those who have a history of trauma or comorbid substance abuse, we also offer specific groups for BED. Based on what our BED patients have taught us, as well as the research we have conducted, we have learned the following:

  • BED shows a greater likelihood of remission than other eating disorders
  • Patients with BED respond more positively to specialty treatments (e.g., CBT) in terms of reduction of eating disorder behaviors
  • BED is not a choice. No one would choose the shame, discomfort, and depression that comes with BED
  • BED is a neurobiological condition that involves mind and body
  • Risk factors for BED include: genetics, a history of trauma, and a culture that idealizes thinness
  • Recovery does not include weight suppression

The treatment of BED at EDCare is NOT about weight loss. Intervention aimed at weight loss in BED patients shows less weight loss overall, more rapid weight regain, and higher attrition from treatment. Individuals struggling with BED may be those living in a larger body or they may be straight size. It is important to remember that an individual’s size is not going to tell us if the person has an eating disorder. The focus of our BED Treatment Track includes the following:

  • Identification of the adaptive function of binge eating
  • The development of skills to interrupt binge eating
  • Understanding how weight stigma contributes to the development of BED
  • Understanding how internalized weight stigma leads to unhealthy efforts to change body weight/size/shape and to make themselves worthy of love and self-love
  • The establishment of a healthy and even “joyful” relationship with food through our nutritional rehabilitation. Patients need to learn to eat enough to let their bodies regulate and be fully nourished.

It is the ultimate goal of the EDCare BED track to help heal our patient’s relationship with food and their own body. Our patients come to us with shame and self-loathing. It takes so much courage to take this brave leap to seek treatment and relief from the psychological and physical distress caused by a culture of weight stigma and, very often, a consequent eating disorder.

“Restricting calories is never a good idea for your health. Restricting negative thoughts should be the new “diet” trend.” – Rebecca McConville

Recommended ReadingDr. Pryor

  • Body of Truth, Harriet Brown
  • Fat Shame, Stigma, and the Fat Body in American Culture, Amy Erdman Farrell
  • Health at Every Size: The Surprising Truth About Your Weight, Linda Bacon
  • Body Respect, Linda Bacon
  • The Rules of “Normal” Eating, Karen Koenig

If you or a loved one is suffering from an eating disorder, call (866) 771-0861 today or submit a free, confidential inquiry form online. Don’t lose hope, help is just a call/click away.