Family Therapist

Jay is a Licensed Specialist in Clinical Social Work and a Licensed Clinical Addiction Counselor. With over 40 years of dedicated service in the field of behavioral health, Jay has accumulated a wealth of experience and expertise. His journey in this field has encompassed both inpatient and outpatient treatment. He has had the privilege of working with a broad spectrum of individuals, from inmates to adults, children, and teenagers, offering individual, couples, group, and family therapy.

Jay is honored to serve as a Family Therapist at EDCare, where his focus is on facilitating healing and recovery within family units impacted by eating disorders. His profound passion for this work stems from a genuine enjoyment of collaborating with individuals and families to navigate life’s challenges and enhance their overall well-being. Witnessing positive transformations in their lives is the ultimate reward.

Outside of his professional life, Jay has a deep appreciation for the arts, particularly photography, which allows him to capture the beauty and stories of the world. Gardening is another source of solace and creativity, where he finds tranquility in nurturing nature. Above all, spending quality time with his family is the cornerstone of his life outside of work.

Jay is committed to making a positive impact in the lives of those he serves and he is dedicated to the ongoing journey of personal and professional growth.