BE Deserving. You are worthy. 

More than 3 million people and their families suffer from Binge Eating Disorder (BED). An eating disorder is not about making bad choices, it is about mental illness and physical imbalances. The good news is: Proven therapies exist and recovery is possible.

At EDCare, we are committed to giving our patients the tools they need to regain control of their lives and sustain long-term success. Our unique approach to evidence-based care is highly personalized and helps patients regain health through CAMSA®: Connection, Acceptance, Mindfulness, a Sense of Self, and Action – the foundations of true empowerment.

Effective treatment. Proven by outcomes. Call us at (866) 771-0861 and start your journey to recovery.

Click a location below for a free clinical assessment.

DenverKansas CityOmaha

Binge Eating Disorder vs. overeating… what’s the difference?

People who have BED have repeated episodes of consuming large quantities of food, followed by distress, guilt, and shame. 

Signs of Binge Eating Disorder often include: 
  • Recurring episodes of uncontrollable eating
  • Consumption of abnormally large quantities of food, faster than normal
  • Eating large quantities until uncomfortably full, even when not hungry
  • Feeling depressed, guilty, or disgusted with oneself after overeating
  • Eating in isolation because of embarrassment
  • Impact on work, life, and relationships – further isolating the individual

Binge Eating Disorder (BED) Program

This specialized track helps patients learn and practice new skills.

Our Binge Eating Disorder Program is designed to:
  • Recognize and stop binge eating episodes
  • Improve attitudes about shape and weight
  • Prevent weight gain and establish healthy eating patterns
  • Establish meaningful goals beyond weight
  • Assess and clarify values
  • Treat associated psychiatric impairment
EDCare Treatment Strategies

Psychotherapy takes place in individual and group sessions to teach the patient how to exchange unhealthy habits for healthy ones, and interrupt binge episodes.

  • Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – Enhanced (CBT-E)
  • Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
  • Art Therapy
  • Movement Therapy
  • Nutritional Counseling
  • Medication, when appropriate
Recovery Is Possible

By normalizing eating and exploring the insights necessary to empower change, the patients we treat have the tools to walk out our doors and onto a path of lasting recovery.

“It is our belief at EDCare that advances in scientific research will lead to new and more effective treatment. In order to accomplish this, we MUST measure the effectiveness of our efforts to treat each individual.”

– EDCare Clinical Director 

Click a location below for a free clinical assessment.

DenverCO SpringsKansas CityOmaha