We actively seek your insight, and keep you informed of your patient’s progress.
When your patient needs a higher level of care, finding the right treatment program is important. Our evidence-based therapeutic program will help your patient achieve long-term eating disorder recovery success. We have a dedicated multidisciplinary team of board-certified psychiatrists, physicians, clinicians, family and experiential therapists, and registered dietitians providing eating disorder treatment to all genders, sexualities and ethnicities.
As one of the nation’s foremost center for the diagnosis and treatment of eating disorders, we know how important quality care is. Our team is committed to empowering individuals to pursue recovery through our unique CAMSA® treatment philosophy – Connection, Acceptance, Mindfulness, Sense of Self, and Action. All of our treatment centers have earned the Joint Commission Gold Seal of Approval.
Putting You and your Patients First
EDCare professionals work effectively with all of the health care providers involved with patients and their families – physicians, therapists, counselors, registered dietitians, insurance professionals, bariatric surgeons, court officials and others. We offer four centers to support your patients and their families, in Denver, Kansas City, and Omaha.
Refer a patient using the form below.
With your help, we change lives.
We offer a safe environment where individuals can open themselves up to the tools and support they need overcome the serious complications of anorexia, bulimia, binge eating and other related disorders. Upon admission, an interdisciplinary treatment team is assigned to each patient based on their individual needs. This means every treatment plan is unique and is designed to fit each individual.
As the referring provider, you are an essential part of your patient’s treatment team. Throughout their time at EDCare – from admission, time in treatment and discharge/aftercare planning, their clinical team will keep you involved in the treatment process. Within the first week of treatment, your patient’s Primary Therapist will contact you to arrange coordination of care and how often you would like to receive updates from our team.
Referring a Patient
EDCare is constantly learning, researching, developing and adapting our treatment approach to ensure each individual gets the care that will promote the most effective recovery process. Our collaborative spirit helps us maintain consistency in the quality of care for each patient while maintaining a very individualized and personal approach.
To refer a patient to EDCare please:
- Fill out the Referral Form on this page
- Email your local center
- Denver – InfoDen@eatingdisorder.care
- Kansas City – InfoKC@eatingdisorder.care
- Omaha – InfoOM@eatingdisorder.care
- Call your local center to speak with a member of our Admissions team
- Denver (303) 771-0861
- Kansas City (913) 945-1277
- Omaha (402) 408-0294
- Fax your patient’s information to your local center
- Denver (720) 889-4258
- Kansas City (913) 553-2547
- Omaha (620) 820-7643
Help your patient receive the treatment they deserve.
Cost of Care
EDCare is committed to providing the most cost-effective treatment possible so your patient can afford a healthy life. We accept over 35 insurance plans, including some state-funded programs. We work with each individual to address specific financial issues, including single case agreements and out of network insurance carriers. We are your patients advocates for good health and will work with you and your insurance company to obtain coverage. Our Connections House in Denver, and Apartment in Kansas City, Kansas is based on a sliding scale fee, as well, to make our housing options available to all patients in our Partial Hospitalization Program (PHP).
Visiting EDCare
Interested in visiting EDCare? We invite providers to tour our treatment centers and housing options, meet available staff members, and collaborate on patient care. To schedule, please call your local center and ask to speak to a member of our Outreach Team.
Select a location to learn more.
Eating disorder recovery is possible with our flexible treatment options:
• Evening Intensive Outpatient
• Adolescent Intensive Outpatient
• Outpatient/Aftercare Services
• Housing Options
• Connections House, Denver
Individualized treatment plans matter. This is why we offer four specialty tracks:
• Binge Eating Disorder (BED) Track